Strange as if eating a piece of melon, a gift from the universe can arrive.
That is, it happened to Fabio Pietrantonio, a Turin-born artist who had an illumination this summer starting from a bamboo toothpick skewered in a piece of melon in a bar. He listened to it, and a work was born. Which then became a performance.
By putting many bamboo sticks in a row, first on a canvas and then on the ground, A land rich in ancient energy, the land of Sardinia, a nuragic land. Pietrantonio's performance took place at the Giants' Tomb, a place known worldwide for its energetic and therapeutic characteristics.
There, in the presence of seven vestal girls who attended the performance and completed it, thousands of toothpicks were skewered as if for symbolic, powerful acupuncture for the planet. The artist says: "Bamboo I believe is the tree that produces more oxygen than all its fellow humans, so much so that bamboo forests have always been a meeting place for great Buddhist masters for meditation. I don't know why things happen and how they happen, but the message has been clear. Acupuncture for the planet is to put pressure on the earth with a bamboo stick, create positive contact, give a symbolic benefit to the earth, give a breath, and take care of it as a sick patient is treated. Our planet needs treatment, and positive thinking affects all energies by promoting the flow of things. The simple act of this action unleashes a myriad of energies, opening up channels of transmission in the earth. It is so trivial that it doesn't seem possible, but it happened, so much so that at the spiked fourth toothpick, it started to flood, and when I finished the toothpicks, it stopped. "
Maria Livia Brunelli